Delivery terms

Currently, we can only ship orders to addresses in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary through the online shop. We do not deliver to P.O. Box addresses.

It's also possible to order in other countries upon individual request.

Free pickups in 32457 Porta Westfalica are possible by arrangement.

Delivery Service

Your order will be delivered by one of our three in-house freight carriers, Marten Freight, DB Schenker Freight, or Palletways Freight. Notification will be made either via phone or email correspondence.

If you would like to know the status of your order in transit, please contact our customer service with your order number: Via email: or by phone at: 0173 6552239.

Delivery Times

We typically deliver your order within 5-20 business days (Monday to Friday) from the date of contract conclusion or payment. Please note that during peak times such as sales, Black Friday, Christmas, and Easter, there may be delivery delays.

Delivery to multiple addresses: Currently, we are only able to deliver to one address per order. If you require delivery to multiple addresses, please place a separate order for each address.


Please note that we only have a delivery obligation (Schickschuld) and not an obligation to bring (Bringschuld) (see OLG Hamm 1-2 U 177/10). This means that we have fulfilled our obligation by providing proof of delivery to the transport company.

The shipping cost calculation is only available to you when you have at least one item in your shopping cart.

Date: July 2023

INB® Systemplatte - Rabattanfrage