Innovative Nature friendly Biological fastening
Whether in animal husbandry, garden landscaping or construction.

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Products made from recycled plastic

Welcome to Horses Home INB!

Here you can get high-quality products made from recycled materials for stables, paddocks, riding areas and much more. 
Ecologically harmless, durable and awarded the Blue Angel. 

That our products are of high quality and environmentally friendly, the raw material must be processed and cleaned. We would like to explain this recycling cycle to you in the following eight steps:

It all starts at home by throwing plastic in the yellow garbage can.

The plastic is then collected from you, companies or public places by the waste collection service and taken to sorting facilities. 

There, the packaging waste is separated according to material (e.g. sheet metal or plastic). Unsuitable material residues are sorted out.

The plastic packaging waste is pressed into bales and delivered to the manufacturer as a raw material.

The bales are processed into pellets, which form the basis for hanit®, our recycling material.

The granules are melted and injected into molds. Sometimes a colorant is added to the mixture. However, the basic color is always grey. 

This is how our products are manufactured. At the end of their service life, the products can simply be recycled.
So beginnt der Kreislauf von neuem.

The INB® System

Surface stabilization without a substructure.

Horses Home INB System vor Verlegung

Whether it's an already muddy area or a grassy surface, the INB system is installed without a substructure. 

The INB board protects the substrate, allowing the ground to regain its permeability, and excess water is directed into the gradient through drainage.

Horses Home INB System nachher

Simply and quickly mud-free!

The INB system is installed in three simple steps.





Let us know about your request and we will get back to you personally.

INB System Paddockplatte Horses Home


We attach great importance to sustainability and environmental protection, which is why our INB products are certified with the German Blauer Engel eco-label.

Made in germany


Regional support is important to us. Therefore, we pass on the advantages of regional production directly to our customers..


We are convinced of our product. For this reason, we offer a 20-year warranty.
on INB-products.


The INB® system is also suitable for heavy loads according to DIN 1072 SLW 60.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

The INB System Plates are interlocked, creating a self-supporting overall surface. Uniform load distribution, as well as incorporated air cushioning, ensure that the surface does not sink, similar to a raft.

Substructure or base layer refers to a construction that is intended to support the actual building component. A common substructure for grass pavers consists of a geotextile fabric, 10-15 cm of gravel as the load-bearing layer, and 2-3 cm of crushed stone as the leveling layer. This effort is eliminated with the INB system.

The pallet dimensions of the INB System are 1.10m x 1.10m x 2m with a weight of 962 kg. Please note that the dimensions may vary for other products.

Eine Platte des INB® -Systems wiegt ca. 7 kg, 1 m² wiegt 27,5 kg, eine Palette wiegt 962,50 kg.

For detailed installation instructions, please refer to the Downloads section or the homepage. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us at any time.

We particularly recommend a bedding layer, especially for animal husbandry, as it protects the plate from heat and abrasion while also providing higher slip resistance. The INB System replaces the substructure as a drainage plate but not the upper structure.

There are several options for bedding layers. Depending on the level of activity on the surface, options like 5-10 cm of sand, wood chips, paddock chips, forest soil, or similar materials can be suitable. Additionally, you can allow grass to grow through the plates. It's also possible to replace the bedding layer with soft plates or rubber mats, but it's important that the product is permeable to water.

The perforations of the INB System should be filled with a permeable material. Examples include coarse sand, gravel, crushed stone, or topsoil. On the other hand, the bedding layer, especially in animal husbandry, should consist of a softer and finer material.

Generally, we recommend using the INB System on slopes with a maximum gradient of 5%. The steeper the slope, the faster the recommended bedding layer may erode. 

The INB System has a closed and an open side. The closed side is double-nubbed and is used in the construction of walkways, paddocks, etc.
The open side has diamond-shaped air cushions or water reservoirs. The open side is placed on top when building riding arenas or round pens to store moisture. 

Die Lieferzeit für die INB® Systemplatte beträgt üblicherweise 5 – 10 Werktage bei vollen Paletten.


Ja, die INB® Systemplatte kann auch auf Lehmböden verlegt werden, man sollte allerdings schauen, wie tief der Boden ist. Eine Trennschicht zwischen Boden und Platten wäre nicht schlecht, wenn man ganz sicher sein will, dass nichts absackt. Das kann man zum Beispiel mit einem Vlies oder mit einem Maulwurfsnetz machen. Darauf dann die Paddockplatten, Löcher auffüllen und anschließend die Trittschicht.

Every plastic material has characteristic properties. For instance, this material expands in heat and contracts in cold temperatures. This results in a length expansion of up to +/- 1.5%. If this expansion is not taken into account during installation, the plates may lack space, causing them to rise unevenly in some areas.

Please contact us. Every ground has different characteristics, and the more information you can provide, the better we can assist you. Pictures and videos of the area are also very helpful.

10 m² of the INB System Plates require an installation time of approximately 10-15 minutes.

We provide a 20-year warranty on all products made from 100% recycled plastic. For more details, please refer to our warranty terms and conditions.

Horses Home can ship INB plates throughout Europe. Additionally, various distribution partners worldwide sell the product. Please refer to our distribution partner for more information. glossary vorbei.

The INB System is primarily manufactured in Germany and, more recently, in Canada. The raw material comes from the dual-system. This means that the plastics collected in the yellow bin are sorted, cleaned, and processed.

Plastic is much more durable than wood - wood can rot, but plastic cannot. All products made from Hanit (recycled plastic) come with a 20-year material warranty.

The delivery costs are calculated based on weight and distance. Therefore, we need both the quantity and the delivery address. We collaborate with various shipping partners and pass on the price without any markup directly to our customers.

Unloading is included for products under two meters in length and five tons in weight. For anything beyond that, additional charges may apply for on-board forklift services.

Mit Splitt oder Schotter unter der INB® Systemplatte haben wir bisher keine guten Erfahrungen gemacht. Mit Splitt oder Schotter unter der Platte ist die Ausdehnung größer, da es unter der Platte wärmer wird (die Kühlung des natürlichen Bodens fehlt). Außerdem ist der Splitt beweglich, wodurch auch die Platte beweglicher wird und wandert.

Unsere INB® Systemplatten werden in Deutschland aus recyceltem Kunststoff aus dem Dualen System (Gelber Sack) hergestellt. In unseren Kunststoffabfällen ist das gesamte Farbspektrum vertreten. Wenn diese Farben gemischt werden, entsteht eine graue Farbe. Je nachdem, welche Rohstoffe in unserem Plastikmüll gelandet sind und zu welcher Jahreszeit – unser Konsumverhalten ist saisonal geprägt – variiert der Grauton. Durch Sonneneinstrahlung hellt die Paddockplatte dann auch noch etwas auf. Verfärbungen oder Farbunterschiede stellen also keinen Mangel an Qualität dar. Vielmehr handelt es sich um ein nachhaltiges Produkt, das mit dem Umweltzeichen „Blauer Engel“ zertifiziert ist. Der „Blaue Engel“ kennzeichnet Produkte und Dienstleistungen, die in einer ganzheitlichen Betrachtung besonders umwelt- und gesundheitsverträglich sind. Jede Platte ist somit ein Unikat.

INB® Systemplatte - Rabattanfrage